Selecting the Best
Getting the right person in the right position is like planting a good seed in good soil – you are more likely to produce strong growth. First, we help you define the characteristics of the position. Then, we select the best methods for assessing those characteristics. We have a variety of reliable assessments and selection processes, including in-baskets and assessment center procedures. Our background in organizational psychology and behavioral research enables us to use and interpret these tools in an effective manner.

We have experience developing large-scale targeted selection programs, including a program used by the Directors Guild that has assessed over 10,000 candidates for over a decade. We can audit and improve your selection program. We also conduct individual executive assessments with your short-listed candidates using our management potential battery.

Negotiating Work Roles
The era of static jobs is over. With the increasing pace of change, job change is accelerating. Furthermore, the way you perform your job depends on your personality. In conjunction with Belbin Associates, we offer training and consultation to continuously update job descriptions using a system called Worksets. This system aids managers and employees in negotiating the shape of their job so that it fits the employee’s work style and meets the changing demands of the organization.

Leadership Development
Selecting the best is only half of the task. The other half is making sure that people in new positions succeed. Nowhere is this more important than for people in leadership positions. We make sure it is not “lonely at the top” by providing a trusted advisor to leaders, including executive coaching for individuals to reach their potential.

Leadership Development Profile: Using the Belbin Self-Perception Inventory, peer observations and other assessments, we develop a profile of an individual’s leadership style, motivational orientation, strengths and weaknesses, and suggestions for development. Through coaching, we help individuals maximize their strengths and manage their weaknesses.

Career Transition
We can provide career transition services to individuals, either at the initiation of management or the individual employee.We can provide a structured workshop series or a tailored individual program. Our work has been featured in the six-part PBS series “Change Your Job, Change Your Life!”, co-developed with Morgan Mason. We provide a thorough assessment using structured questionnaires, help in choosing a new direction and then guidance in developing a resume and successful job search strategies.