We provide consulting services to Fortune 500 companies, the entertainment industry, government departments, small businesses and nonprofit agencies. Our breadth of experience means we can assist your organization at any stage in its development. We usually start with an organizational needs assessment, in which we interview senior leaders to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. We use interviews and company surveys to assess problems and feed back information and recommendations. We then use our experience to implement strategies for change that work. Too often, large-scale change efforts fail because staff are skeptical and fear giving up ways of working that have worked in the past. We organize processes that will build commitment and enthusiasm for change. It’s also crucial to look at your organization from various angles. We use the 7-S model for organizational development. We help you make improvements in seven critical areas: 
Organizational Change Shifting the way that a large number of people think and act is a daunting prospect. The authors of Re-Engineering the Corporation, Michael Hammer and James Champy, have observed that more than two-thirds of the change efforts based on re-engineering have failed because insufficient attention was paid to human factors. Our background in behavioral psychology and human resources means we understand the human factors well. We build commitment to change throughout an organization by involvement and engagement. We identify the sponsors, agents and targets of change, and develop successful processes for overcoming resistance. Also, we have developed practical tools for strategic planning. In strategy retreats, we develop clear mission and vision statements, and teach leadership teams how to develop critical success factors that move an organization from objectives to achievement. We also have experience implementing action plan follow-up systems with management teams. Human Resources Consulting Because of our specialized expertise with human resources, we can consult with you to improve your HR systems or provide hands-on help. We can help with: - Performance management
- Hiring and firing issues
- Employee relations
- Third-party investigations
- Grievance system development
Company Surveys One way to get a quick snapshot of a company’s strengths and weaknesses is to conduct a survey. We provide web-based surveys that can provide a wealth of feedback and ideas. Our experience has taught us that it is very important to manage expectations carefully. Our experience also enables us to provide feedback and recommendations that will provide ‘quick hits’ with your constituents, as well as more significant changes. We have conducted both internal company surveys as well as surveys of customers to assess and improve the company’s image. Training We also provide training customized to your needs. We provide management training, customer service training, diversity and sexual harassment prevention training, and supply chain simulation training. |